TypeScript Professional Certification

TypeScript is a powerful, open-source language developed by Microsoft that enhances JavaScript with optional static typing. It helps developers catch errors early and build more reliable, scalable applications by providing features like type annotations, interfaces, and advanced tooling.

Advanced 0(0 Ratings) 5 Students enrolled English
Created by Karan Arora
Last updated Tue, 27-Aug-2024
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Course overview

TypeScript is an open-source programming language developed by Microsoft that builds on JavaScript by adding static types. This means you can define variable types, function parameters, and object properties explicitly, which helps catch errors during development rather than at runtime. TypeScript includes features like classes, interfaces, and generics that enhance JavaScript with more robust, maintainable, and scalable code. It compiles down to plain JavaScript, so it can be used in any JavaScript environment. By providing type safety and tooling support, TypeScript aims to improve developer productivity and code quality, especially in large or complex projects.

What will i learn?

Curriculum for this course
1 Lessons 00:00:00 Hours
TypeScript Professional Certification
1 Lessons 00:00:00 Hours
  • TypeScript Exam
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About instructor

Karan Arora

73 Reviews | 2299 Students | 61 Courses
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