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How to Create and Publish Guided Projects and Hands-on Labs Cognitive Class Exam Answers:-

Course Name:- How to Create and Publish Guided Projects and Hands-on Labs

Module 1. Overviews of Labs and projects

Practice  Question

Question 1. A _________________ is a guided exercise within a section of a guided project or a course.

  • Production environment
  • Real-world application
  • Hands-on lab
  • Video lecture

Question 2. What are the three main work areas in Author Workbench?

  • GitHub Project, Asset Library, Skills Manager
  • GitLab Project, Assigned Library, Studio
  • GitLab Project, Asset Library, Student
  • GitLab Project, Asset Library, Studio

Question 3. ______________________ is set up like an online course development environment and has templates that you can configure with advanced content.

  • IBMid
  • Asset Library
  • Studio
  • GitLab Project

Question 4. Which of the following is a characteristic of guided projects?

  • Activities on the desktop
  • Step-by-step instructions
  • Theoretical concepts
  • Video lectures

Question 5. In a course module that contains an introduction, a video, a reading, a quiz, and a summary, where is the best place to provide a hands-on lab?

  • After a module introduction that provides a high-level overview
  • After a quiz that contains a variety of problems
  • After a reading that covers key steps in a process
  • Before a video that introduces key concepts

Graded Quiz

Question 1. While a course builds a foundation of knowledge on which the learner can acquire new concepts, a guided project provides an experience where the learner can _____.

  • Focus on demonstrations and video lectures
  • Focus on presentations and video lectures
  • Practice new skills in a simulation of a real-world environment
  • Develop their skills in a real-world environment

Question 2. True or false? You can point students or employees to a guided project when they need to build a specific skill before they start using a live production environment.

  • True
  • False

Question 3. The ______________work area is where you can view your published content and get the public URLs to share content.

  • Skills Network Labs
  • Asset Library
  • Studio
  • GitLab Project

Question 4. Which feature in Author Workbench automates the process of launching, updating, and maintaining your content?

  • Synchronous delivery
  • Guided projects
  • Get started
  • Continuous delivery

Question 5. Which statement accurately describes a Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) hands-on lab?

  • LTI generates stand-alone content for your guided project or course.
  • LTI labs are useful when you want the learner to work in a tool.
  • LTI labs are best for displaying content only.
  • An LTI lab requires learners to log in to a tool.

Question 6. What are the six main parts, in order, of a well-crafted hands-on lab?

  • Title, Welcome, Goals, Instructions, Practice Quizzes, and Wrap-up
  • Title, Welcome, Instructions, Goals, Exercises, and Wrap-up
  • Title, Welcome, Goals, Instructions, Exercises, and Next Steps
  • Welcome, Title, Goals, Instructions, Lab, and Next Steps

Question 7.  Where is the best place to provide a hands-on lab?

  • Between a quiz and a module summary
  • Between a reading and a quiz in the same module
  • Between a summary and the next module introduction
  • Between a video and a reading that cover the same process

Question 8.  Design a guided project when the focus is on the _________________ of knowledge and skills and the goal is to complete a task that results in a ________________ practical solution.

  • Distribution, Streamlined
  • Application, Simple
  • Application, Real-world
  • Transmission, Simple

Question 9. When building skills in a guided project, which type of learner would benefit most from a challenge that requires context and analytical thinking to test their skills in a safe environment?

  • Advanced
  • Beginner
  • Intermediate
  • Novice

Question 10. Which of the following is a good practice when writing steps in a guided project?

  • Confirm that each step includes a presentation of concepts.
  • Provide more detail in each successive step than in the previous step, increasing the length and the complexity of each step as the project progresses.
  • Provide a list of required reading materials in a step to ensure fair understanding of the context.
  • Provide context for the purpose of each step by explaining how it relates to the other steps, the task results, and the real-world applications.

Module2. Labs and project Basics

Practice Quiz

Question 1. ________________ is a development environment where you can create advanced features such as adding different component types and new sections, embedding videos, setting up graded questions, and uploading certificates.

  • Author Workbench
  • GitLab Project
  • Studio
  • Asset Library

Question 2. Which types of files in your project should you avoid uploading, editing, replacing, or deleting?

  • Image
  • YML
  • MD

Question 3. What type of thinking should guided activities encourage?

  • Theoretical
  • Analytical
  • Copycat
  • Assumptive

Question 4. Which language should you use to make changes to the content of your guided project’s instructions file?

  • YML
  • HTML
  • Markdown
  • C+

Question 5. When should you work in the Asset Library?

  • When giving contributors access to make changes in your project files
  • When seeing how the content you created in your project is going to look to the learner
  • When uploading image files
  • When making changes to content in an file

Graded Quiz

Question 1. Where would you create details to represent your project in the course catalog?

  • Instructions file
  • Guided Projects page
  • Create a Guided Project page
  • Courses page

Question 2. The _____ is where you can view your published content, where you can copy HTML links for your reviewers, and where you can get the public share links.

  • GitLab Repository
  • Project page
  • Asset Library
  • Gitlab Project

Question 3. The Skills Network workflow uses a _____, which automates the workflow.

  • Continuous upload pipeline
  • Publishing content pipeline
  • Continuous delivery pipeline
  • Work-focused pipeline

Question 4.Your GitLab Project contains a repository of files that Author Workbench has created for you. Which file within this repository is for running your continuous delivery pipeline?

  • Image.png
  • .gitlab-ci.yml

Question 5. To allow others to access the project files in your GitLab Project in Author Workbench, where can you add them to the project staff?

  • Skills Network accounts
  • GitLab Project
  • Project page
  • Asset Library

Question 6. The _____ are the body of your project and explain what the activity is for, what skills and know-how it requires, and how to complete the task.

  • Tasks
  • Definitions
  • Instructions
  • Guidelines

Question 7. Learning objectives should include which of the following?

  • A static verb to begin the learning objective
  • A general concept that allows the learner to decide what to do
  • A brief overview of the high points of the task
  • Demonstrable goals and measurable results

Question 8. What should you do to allow contributors to make changes in the project files?

  • Add them to the lab environment
  • Add them to the project staff
  • Create Studio accounts for them
  • Provide them with URLs from HTML files

Question 9. When you work in the Asset Library, what should you do to make edits to a file?

  • Access Studio and edit the file there.
  • Access your project page and edit the file there.
  • Access GitLab Project and edit the file there.
  • Open the file and make the edits in the Asset Library.

Question 10. What is key to ensuring quality in your project content?

  • Similarity
  • Compatibility
  • Consistency
  • Continuous delivery

Module 3. Creating guided labs and projects using skills NetworkTools.

Practice Quiz

Question 1. What best characterizes Skills Network Labs?

  • A cloud-based virtual lab catalog for hands-on labs and guided projects
  • A cloud-based virtual lab environment in Author Workbench
  • A cloud-based virtual lab environment with real-world tools
  • A cloud-based development environment for creating instructional labs

Question 2. How do you start creating a hands-on lab in JupyterLab?

  • Select a kernel
  • Create a table
  • Create a notebook
  • Select a language

Question 3. Which type of hands-on lab can you create without creating markdown instructions?

  • Cloud IDE
  • RStudio IDE
  • CV Studio
  • JupyterLab

Question 4. What can your learners do in a Datasette lab?

  • Launch a virtual lab environment
  • Launch an interactive website
  • Copy RStudio code blocks into a SQL database
  • Analyze data in NoSQL databases

Question 5. To create a hands-on lab where learners will practice working with Cassandra to gain experience with database storage scalability, which Skills Network environment or tool would be the best choice?

  • JupyterLab
  • RStudio IDE
  • Cloud IDE
  • CV Studio

Graded Quiz

Question1. Which Skills Network Labs environment has a version with Docker?

  • CV Studio
  • RStudio IDE
  • Cloud IDE
  • Datasette

Question 2. Which environment or tool would be the best choice for creating an exercise where the learner practices making predictions to detect objects?

  • JupyterLab
  • RStudio IDE
  • CV Studio
  • Cloud IDE

Question 3. To create a hands-on lab where learners can explore many kinds of databases while getting experience with structured query language (SQL), which tool or environment would be the best choice?

  • Cloud IDE with OpenShift
  • RStudio IDE
  • Datasette
  • JupyterLab

Question 4. Which feature would work best for adding hints when you create a hands-on lab in JupyterLab?

  • Code cells
  • Markdown cells
  • Kernels
  • Notebook

Question 5. Which type of JupyterLab feature contains the .ipynb extension?

  • Image
  • Notebook
  • Table
  • Kernel

Question 6. Which version of Cloud IDE would you choose to create a hands-on lab that contains activities where the learner can practice deploying a cloud application using a dashboard?

  • Cloud IDE with Kubernetes
  • Cloud IDE with OpenShift
  • Cloud IDE with Docker
  • Cloud IDE Basic

Question 7. What is the purpose of the Skills Network Toolbox?

  • Authenticating accounts such as GitHub in Cloud IDE
  • Launching programs in Cloud IDE
  • Selecting Author Workbench work spaces in Cloud IDE
  • Launching predictions in Cloud IDE

Question 8. Which type of lab would be a good choice for creating opportunities for the learner to practice visualizing trends in statistics?

  • Cloud IDE with Docker
  • RStudio IDE
  • Cloud IDE Basic
  • CV Studio

Question 9. What best characterizes Skills Network Labs?

  • A cloud-based virtual lab catalog for hands-on labs and guided projects
  • A cloud-based virtual lab environment in Author Workbench
  • A cloud-based virtual lab environment with real-world tools
  • A cloud-based development environment for creating instructional labs

Question 10. Which step in creating a CV Studio lab may involve using a feature from JupyterLab?

  • Selecting a version with Docker
  • Training a model
  • Launching an interactive website
  • Creating levels for navigation

Module 4. Embedding and publishing labs in online courses

Practice Quiz

Question 1.  At which level in Studio do you create at least one component?

  • Unit
  • Header
  • Subsection
  • Section

Question 2.  To embed an instructional lab from the Author Workbench Asset Library, you must first copy the iframe code. Then in your course in Skills Network Studio, you must paste the iframe code into which of the following?

  • Yaml component
  • Markdown component
  • HTML component
  • Image component

Question 3. To embed a Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) lab in Studio, the two advanced settings you enable are the “lti-consumer” advanced module and the _____.

  • LTI parameters
  • LTI consumer component
  • LTI passport
  • LTI asset list

Question 4.  How do you make some of the problem components in your project count toward grading in Studio?

  • Create a new subsection with the default assignment type
  • Add them to a subsection with an assignment type that counts toward grading
  • Add them to a unit with an assignment type that counts toward grading
  • Set the grading policy for the project to pass 60%/fail 40%

Question 5. What do shifting preferences, strained support, and flat results represent?

  • Learning outcome map changes
  • Time and effort of maintaining content
  • Warning signals for maintenance of your content
  • Fatal flaws that require immediate content updates

Graded Quiz

Question 1. At which level in Studio can you organize content into topics?

  • Component
  • Unit
  • Subsection
  • Section

Question 2. Which of the following statements correctly describes hands-on labs and guided projects that you create in Skills Network Author Workbench?

  • LTI credentials are required to embed hands-on labs in Studio.
  • Guided projects and hands-on labs are embedded in LTI subsections.
  • Hands-on labs are embedded in guided projects.
  • Guided projects are embedded in hands-on labs.

Question 3. How do you embed an instructional lab in a course outline in Studio?

  • Create an advanced component
  • Create a subsection with a default assignment type
  • Paste the iframe code from the Asset Library into an HTML component
  • Configure LTI credentials in the course settings

Question 4. An LTI passport is a text string for ______.

  • Streaming and authentication
  • Logging in and authentication {The LTI passport is a text string for logging in and authentication.}}
  • Logging in and setting grading
  • Localizing and authentication

Question 5. As part of your updating strategy, you may need to update content to address changes in regulatory requirements, fixes for technical glitches, and ______________________.

  • Urgency
  • Timing
  • Trends in frequently asked questions
  • Tape storage

Question 6. Which factors determine when you need to update content?

  • Schedule, technology, and expense
  • Severity, time, and effort
  • Strategy, time, and expense
  • Severity, trends, and effort

Question 7. What is the framework for all graded assignments in the guided project?

  • Grading foundation
  • Grading policy
  • Graded subsection
  • Assignment type

Question 8. How would you change the default grading settings to add a new assignment type that counts toward grading?

  • Change another assignment type to Not Graded to maintain 100% total weight
  • Set the number of subsections for the new assignment type
  • Change the scale from pass-fail to assignment types
  • Create one or more problem components with the new assignment type

Question 9. What is key to maintaining content?

  • Uploading
  • Updating
  • Degrading
  • Organizing

Question 10. What feature can you add in Studio to keep the learner on track?

  • Certificate
  • Feedback
  • Assignment type
  • Grading

Module 5. Final Exam And  Wrap-up

How to Create and Publish Guided Projects and Hands-on Labs Cognitive Class final Exam Answers:-

Question 1. What should you provide to create a well-crafted hands-on lab?

  • Title, Welcome, Goals, Instructions, Practice Quizzes, and Wrap-up
  • Title, Welcome, Instructions, Goals, Exercises, and Wrap-up
  • Title, Welcome, Goals, Instructions, Exercises, and Next Steps
  • Welcome, Title, Goals, Instructions, Lab, and Next Steps

Question 2. When you design a guided project, the focus is on the _________________ of knowledge and skills and the goal is to complete a task that results in a ________________ practical solution.

  • Distribution, Streamlined
  • Application, Simple
  • Application, Real-world
  • Transmission, Simple

Question 3. Which of the following is a good practice when you write steps in a guided project?

  • Confirm that each step includes a presentation of concepts.
  • Provide more detail in each successive step than in the previous step, increasing the length and the complexity of each step as the project progresses.
  • Provide a list of required reading materials in a step to ensure fair understanding of the context.
  • Provide context for the purpose of each step by explaining how it relates to the other steps, the task results, and the real-world applications.

Question 4.  The _____ are the body of your project and explain what the activity is for, what skills and know-how it requires, and how to complete the task.

  • Tasks
  • Definitions
  • Instructions
  • Guidelines

Question 5.  Learning objectives should provide which of the following?

  • A static verb to begin the learning objective
  • A general concept that allows the learner to decide what to do
  • A brief overview of the high points of the task
  • Demonstrable goals and measurable results

Question 6.  What is key to ensuring quality in your project content?

  • Similarity
  • Compatibility
  • Consistency
  • Continuous delivery

Question 7.  When you are creating a hands-on lab where learners can explore many kinds of databases while getting experience with structured query language (SQL), which tool or environment would be the best choice?

  • Cloud IDE with OpenShift
  • RStudio IDE
  • Datasette
  • JupyterLab

Question 8. Which type of lab would be a good choice when you are creating opportunities for the learner to practice visualizing trends in statistics?

  • Cloud IDE with Docker
  • RStudio IDE
  • Cloud IDE Basic
  • CV Studio

Question 9. Skills Network Labs is _____.

  • A cloud-based virtual lab catalog for hands-on labs and guided projects
  • A cloud-based virtual lab environment in Author Workbench
  • A cloud-based virtual lab environment with real-world tools
  • A cloud-based development environment for creating instructional labs

Question 10.  How do you embed an instructional lab in a course outline in Studio?

  • Create an advanced component
  • Create a subsection with a default assignment type
  • Paste the iframe code from the Asset Library into an HTML component
  • Configure LTI credentials in the course settings

Question 11.  Which factors determine when you need to update content?

  • Schedule, technology, and expense
  • Severity, time, and effort
  • Strategy, time, and expense
  • Severity, trends, and effort

Question 12. Which advanced feature should you add in Studio to keep the learner on track?

  • Certificate {{Refer to the Overview of Skills Network Studio
  • Feedback
  • Assignment type
  • Grading

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