Tuesday , March 11 2025
Python Installation
Python Basic Syntax
Python Variable Types
Python Basic Operators
Python Decision Making
Python Loops
Python Numbers
Python Strings
Python Lists
Python Tuples
Python Dictionary
Python Sets
Python Functions
Python Modules
Python Files Handling
Python Exceptions
Data Science
Python MySQL Database
Python MySQL Installation
Python MYSQL Create Database
Python MySQL Create Table
Python MySQL Insert Into Table
Python MySQL Select From
Python MySQL Where
Python MySQL Order By
Python MySQL Delete From By
Python MySQL Drop Table
Python MySQL Update Table
Python MySQL Limit
Python MySQL Join
Introduction to NumPy
Creating NumPy Array
Numpy Datatypes
Inspect an Array
Numpy Random Array
Numpy Mathematic Functions
Numpy Slicing & Indexing
NumPy Array Sorting
Array Manipulation
Combine & Split an Array
NumPy Set Operations
NumPy Linear Algebra
Suicide Case Study – NumPy
Introduction To Pandas
Pandas Series Data Structure
Pandas DataFrame
Pandas Indexing Selection Filtering
Pandas Descriptive Statistics
Pandas String Operations
Pandas Sorting
Pandas Reading and Writing data
Pandas JSON and Quandl API Data
Pandas Missing Data
Pandas Data Transformation
Pandas Hierarchical Indexing
Pandas Combining and Merging
Pandas Groupby
Pandas Pivot Tables
Pandas Data Visualization
Data Cleaning
Pandas Data Cleaning
Data Cleaning Melbourne House Dataset
Data Visualization
Introduction to Matplotlib
Line Plot using Matplotlib
Bar Plot using Matplotlib
Scatter Plot using Matplotlib
Pie Plot using Matplotlib
Stack Plot using Matplotlib
Histogram using Matplotlib
Sub Plot using Matplotlib
Real Stock Data Plotting using Matplotlib
Machine Learning
Supervised Machine Learning
Linear Regression
Multiple Linear Regression:
Polynomial Regression
Support Vector Regression
Decision Tree Regression
Random Forest Regression
Logistic Regression
K Nearest Neighbor Classification – KNN
Naive Bayes Classification
Support Vector Classification
Decision Tree Classification
Random Forest Classification
Accuracy Score
Precision Score
Recall Score
F1 Score
Accuracy, Precision, Recall, and F1-Score
Unsupervised Machine Learning
K-Means Clustering
Hierarchical Clustering
Apriori Algorithm
Data Preprocessing
Grid Search
Grid Search Theoretical
Grid Search Implementation
Grid Search using K-Fold
Grid Search
Grid search k fold cross validation
Grid Search using K-Fold
Linear Discriminant Analysis
LDA – introduction
Principal Component Analysis
PCA – introduction
Introduction to XGBoost
Introduction to XGBoost Classifier
XGBoost Classifier – Practically
Introduction to XGBoost Regression
XGBoost Regression – Practically
Deep Learning
Introduction to Deep Learning
Artificial Neural Network
Introduction to Artificial Neural Network (ANN)
Plan of Attack
Practically – ANN
Recurrent Neural Network
Introduction to Recurrent Neural Network(RNN)
RNN – Steps
RNN – Explanation with Practically
Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)
Introduction to CNN
CNN – Steps
CNN – Practically
Natural Language Processing
NLP – Natural Language Processing
NLP Tokenizer
Stop Words
Corpus Wordnet
NLP – Practically
NLP – Practically
List of NLP Projects
Computer Vision
Introduction to OpenCV Python Tutorials
Reading Image as Color or GrayScale Image in Python using OpenCV
Extracting The Image RGB Values of a Pixel in Python Using OpenCV
Extracting the Image Region of Interest (ROI) in Python using OpenCV
Resizing the Image in Python using OpenCV
Rotate the Image in Python using OpenCV
Drawing a Rectangle on Image in Python using OpenCV
Displaying text on Image in Python using OpenCV
Visualizing the Different Color Channels of an RGB Image in Python using OpenCV
Arithmetic Operations on Images using OpenCV
Access Camera Using OpenCV with Python
Record Video From a Webcam using OpenCV
Face Detection From an Image in Python using OpenCV
Face Detection From Webcam in Python Using OpenCV
Face Detection with Name in Python using OpenCV
R Programming
Installation of Anacoonda
Jupyter Notebook Introductory Session
Introduction to R
Practical Session
Decision Making
Looping Statement
Cat Paste Functions
R DataFrame
Machine Learning Tutorials, Courses and Certifications
Python Installation
Python Basic Syntax
Python Variable Types
Python Basic Operators
Python Decision Making
Python Loops
Python Numbers
Python Strings
Python Lists
Python Tuples
Python Dictionary
Python Sets
Python Functions
Python Modules
Python Files Handling
Python Exceptions
Data Science
Python MySQL Database
Python MySQL Installation
Python MYSQL Create Database
Python MySQL Create Table
Python MySQL Insert Into Table
Python MySQL Select From
Python MySQL Where
Python MySQL Order By
Python MySQL Delete From By
Python MySQL Drop Table
Python MySQL Update Table
Python MySQL Limit
Python MySQL Join
Introduction to NumPy
Creating NumPy Array
Numpy Datatypes
Inspect an Array
Numpy Random Array
Numpy Mathematic Functions
Numpy Slicing & Indexing
NumPy Array Sorting
Array Manipulation
Combine & Split an Array
NumPy Set Operations
NumPy Linear Algebra
Suicide Case Study – NumPy
Introduction To Pandas
Pandas Series Data Structure
Pandas DataFrame
Pandas Indexing Selection Filtering
Pandas Descriptive Statistics
Pandas String Operations
Pandas Sorting
Pandas Reading and Writing data
Pandas JSON and Quandl API Data
Pandas Missing Data
Pandas Data Transformation
Pandas Hierarchical Indexing
Pandas Combining and Merging
Pandas Groupby
Pandas Pivot Tables
Pandas Data Visualization
Data Cleaning
Pandas Data Cleaning
Data Cleaning Melbourne House Dataset
Data Visualization
Introduction to Matplotlib
Line Plot using Matplotlib
Bar Plot using Matplotlib
Scatter Plot using Matplotlib
Pie Plot using Matplotlib
Stack Plot using Matplotlib
Histogram using Matplotlib
Sub Plot using Matplotlib
Real Stock Data Plotting using Matplotlib
Machine Learning
Supervised Machine Learning
Linear Regression
Multiple Linear Regression:
Polynomial Regression
Support Vector Regression
Decision Tree Regression
Random Forest Regression
Logistic Regression
K Nearest Neighbor Classification – KNN
Naive Bayes Classification
Support Vector Classification
Decision Tree Classification
Random Forest Classification
Accuracy Score
Precision Score
Recall Score
F1 Score
Accuracy, Precision, Recall, and F1-Score
Unsupervised Machine Learning
K-Means Clustering
Hierarchical Clustering
Apriori Algorithm
Data Preprocessing
Grid Search
Grid Search Theoretical
Grid Search Implementation
Grid Search using K-Fold
Grid Search
Grid search k fold cross validation
Grid Search using K-Fold
Linear Discriminant Analysis
LDA – introduction
Principal Component Analysis
PCA – introduction
Introduction to XGBoost
Introduction to XGBoost Classifier
XGBoost Classifier – Practically
Introduction to XGBoost Regression
XGBoost Regression – Practically
Deep Learning
Introduction to Deep Learning
Artificial Neural Network
Introduction to Artificial Neural Network (ANN)
Plan of Attack
Practically – ANN
Recurrent Neural Network
Introduction to Recurrent Neural Network(RNN)
RNN – Steps
RNN – Explanation with Practically
Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)
Introduction to CNN
CNN – Steps
CNN – Practically
Natural Language Processing
NLP – Natural Language Processing
NLP Tokenizer
Stop Words
Corpus Wordnet
NLP – Practically
NLP – Practically
List of NLP Projects
Computer Vision
Introduction to OpenCV Python Tutorials
Reading Image as Color or GrayScale Image in Python using OpenCV
Extracting The Image RGB Values of a Pixel in Python Using OpenCV
Extracting the Image Region of Interest (ROI) in Python using OpenCV
Resizing the Image in Python using OpenCV
Rotate the Image in Python using OpenCV
Drawing a Rectangle on Image in Python using OpenCV
Displaying text on Image in Python using OpenCV
Visualizing the Different Color Channels of an RGB Image in Python using OpenCV
Arithmetic Operations on Images using OpenCV
Access Camera Using OpenCV with Python
Record Video From a Webcam using OpenCV
Face Detection From an Image in Python using OpenCV
Face Detection From Webcam in Python Using OpenCV
Face Detection with Name in Python using OpenCV
R Programming
Installation of Anacoonda
Jupyter Notebook Introductory Session
Introduction to R
Practical Session
Decision Making
Looping Statement
Cat Paste Functions
R DataFrame
Breaking News
Hierarchical Clustering
K-Means Clustering
Introduction to Matplotlib
Multiple Linear Regression:
Linear Regression
OpenCV Python Project for Bus Detection from an Image
OpenCV Python Project for Vehicle Detection From an Image
OpenCV Python Project for Vehicle Detection in a Video frame
Airline Quality Service
Airport Quality Service
Amazon Best Selling Books Analysis
XGBoost Classifier – Practically
XGBoost Regression – Practically
Introduction to XGBoost Regression
Introduction to XGBoost Classifier
How To Predict the Gender and Age Using OpenCV in Python
February 11, 2023
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