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Introduction to Open Source Cognitive Class Exam Answers:-

Course Name :- Introduction to Open Source

Module 1 :-Introduction to Open Source

Question 1 : Name four of the six open source elements at IBM.

  • Tooling, Continuous Delivery, Contribution, Training
  • Recognition, Training, Production, Contribution
  • Tooling, Consuming, Contributing, Recognition
  • Training, Recognition, Contributing, Testing

Question 2: Which of the following four open source software projects was IBM involved with first?

  • Linux Kernel
  • Node-RED
  • Hyperledger
  • Kubernetes

Question 3 : True or false: “Open source” means the software is available to download and use as you wish.

  • True
  • False

Question 4 : What are the components of the open source way?

  • Proprietary, Collaboration, Deliver Early and Often, Inclusion, and Community
  • Proprietary, Collaboration, Deliver Early and Often, Exclusion, and Community
  • Transparency, Collaboration, Deliver Early and Often, Inclusion, and Community
  • Transparency, Collaboration, Deliver Early and Often, Exclusion, and Community

Question 5 : True or false: A majority of respondents to a recent O’Reilly survey prefer cloud providers based on open source.

  • True
  • False

Module 2 :- Contributing to open source

Question 1 : Which of the following files is usually the first file to be created and most visible in a repository?

  • License
  • Contribution guidelines
  • Code of conduct

Question 2 : True or false: Github has a feature to explore open source projects by language and framework.

  • True
  • False

Question 3: How does one advocate for an open source project?

  • Translate documentation
  • Fix coding errors
  • Write tutorials and samples
  • Write blog posts

Question 4 : Which of the following is NOT a good way to start contributing to an open source project?

  • Participate in a code program
  • Find GitHub issues labeled “good-first-issue”
  • Attend regular meetings and join sprints
  • Work on your fork of the repository in isolation

Question 5 : What is a best practice for participating in open source communities? Choose the best response.

  • Be respectful
  • Learn the community rules
  • Be observant
  • All of the above

Module 3 :- Open Source Toolbox

Question  1 : Git is a distributed ——— system.

  • Version Control
  • Communication
  • Package management

Question 2 : —— is an online hosting service for the Git repository.

  • Jira Software
  • GitLab
  • GitHub
  • Both 2 and 3

Question 3 : What is the command to display the state of the working directory and the staging area?

  • git log
  • git status
  • both 1 and 2

Question  4 : Fork is a copy of a repository.

  • True
  • False

Question 5 : Continuous Integration —— (Choose all the correct answers)

  • Detects error sooner
  • Increases amount of time spent in debugging the error
  • Enables you to continuously build and test code
  • Examples include Travis CI, Jenkins, Circle CI

Module 4: – Starting Open Source

Question 1 : What does a contribution guideline document contain?

  • Guidelines on how to add your work to the project
  • License information
  • Project architecture details
  • Guidelines on how to behave in the community

Question  2 : True or false: You need to create your own license for every open source project.

  • True
  • False

Question  3 : What kind of license restricts the right to use, modify, and share creative works?

  • OSI
  • Copyleft
  • Permissive
  • All of the above

Question  4 : Which of the following is not essential to creating a vibrant and engaged open source community?

  • Responsive leadership
  • Transparency and openness
  • Lengthy documentation
  • Positive experience

Question 5 : What does a governance model specify?

  • How to get a project up and running on your system
  • Technical architecture of the project
  • Rules or customs that determine who gets to do what
  • Rules of engagement

Introduction to Open Source Cognitive Class Final Exam Answers:-

Question  1 : Which of the following is not an attribute of open source software?

  • Anybody is allowed to contribute
  • Code is made available publicly
  • Code is maintained by a virtual community
  • Source code is private and not shared with members of the team

Question 2 : Which of the following are misconceptions about open source software?

  • You can use open source software in any way you choose
  • Making source code available means the software is open source
  • Open source software is always “cost-free”
  • All of the above

Question 3 : True or false: Hiring managers have reported difficulty finding sufficient talent with open source skills.

  • True
  • False

Question 4 : What is one of the benefits of open source software to the enterprise?

  • A chance to work with developers around the world
  • Increase in complexity
  • Increased speed of innovation
  • None of the above

Question  5 : Which of the following open source software projects is IBM contributing to?

  • Containers
  • Message Queuing Telemetry Transport
  • Node-RED
  • All of the above

Question  6 : Which of the following files help you understand how a project works?

  • License
  • All of the above

Question  7 : Which of the following is an example of contributing to documentation?

  • Help answer questions on forums
  • Create examples and tutorials
  • Share on social media
  • Report or fix a bug

Question  8  : True or false: You do not have to check with your employer before contributing to an open source project.

  • True
  • False

Question  9 : Which of the following is an example of a community activity within an open source project, as opposed to acting as an advocate for the project?

  • Give talks and workshops
  • Write blog posts
  • Share on social media
  • Answer questions on forums

Question 10 : What are some of the ways you can start contributing to an open source project?

  • Join sprints
  • Attend regular meetings
  • Find GitHub issues that have the label “good-first-issues”
  • All of the above

Question  11 : Git keeps track of the changes to the files.

  • True
  • False

Question  12 : Select tools for version control:

  • git
  • Jira
  • GitHub Issues
  • Subversion

Question 13 : Select features that are true for git:

  • IBM Cloud is built around open source tools
  • Main branch points to the deployable code
  • Controlled access to the team
  • All the above

Question 14  : Command to check the status of the git repro:

  • git log
  • git status
  • git clone
  • git commit

Question  15  : Pull request is a request for someone to review the changes on a branch.

  • True
  • False

Question  16  : Which of the following files are commonly added to a new open source project?

  • License
  • Code of Conduct
  • Readme
  • All of the above

Question  17 : True or false: All open source projects use the same contribution guidelines.

  • True
  • False

Question 18 : True or false: If a project does not contain a license, it automatically makes the project open source.

  • True
  • False

Question  19  : Which of the following communication channels is not an ideal way to communicate to an open source community.?

  • Private or restricted email
  • Forums
  • Social platforms
  • Mailing lists

Question 20 : What does BDFL stand for?

  • Birth Dictator for Life
  • Benevolent Dictator for Life
  • Better Dictator for Life
  • Best Director for Life

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